Without recourse. All Rights Reserved. Tree of Life©

 Statement of belief: “Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.” (John 17:17 KJV)


Created 5929± 11 27 2025 [2009-02-22]

Edited 5925[(*??*)] 08 22 2029 [2012-12-07] - See item #9!

Addition 5925[(*??*)] 01 20 2029 [2013-05-01] - See item #9!

Addition 5925[(*??*)] 03 05 2029 [2013-06-14] - Adding item #16!

Added 5926[(*??*)] 09 03 2030 [2013-12-7] – Diagram re the apparent double fulfillment of Daniel’s 2300 day prophecy at item #1.g!

Added 5936[2016-12-14-21:32] 07 17 2033 [2017-10-8] – Diagram re a third, Book of Esther based, fulfillment of Daniel’s 2300 day prophecy at item #1.g!

Addition 5942[v2016-12-14-21:32] 10 17 2039 [2023-01-10 eve] – Very significant 60 year apart double fulfillments of each of Daniel’s 2,300, 1,260, 1,290, and 1,335 year prophecies at at item #1.g!

Addition 5942[v2016-12-14-21:32] 10 18 2039 [2023-01-12] – Added The Great Disappointment of 1844”? -

                                                                                                             – Or Was it Really the Culmination of the Beginning of Great Things to Come!!!” at item #1.h!

Edited 5942[v2016-12-14-21:32] 10 24 2039 [2023-01-18]

Edited 5942[v2016-12-14-21:32] 11 01 2039 [2023-01-23 eve]







Please Choose Your

GateWay of Entry into

Tree of Life Time Chronology

Touching upon the Book of Daniel©


A Study in Progress:

(Therefore, please forgive me for any errors, whether words remaining from past thinking and not yet corrected or thoughts of mine that are still suffering from being in error until somehow I am given additional rays of light!)





A number of new and exciting Scripture discoveries may be found in several of my articles below. [This revision began with my eyes being opened to an additional Eighth Day event of Yeshua. Indeed, the key discovery was revealed to me at the very beginning of the Eighth Day Feast, on the day before 5940(?) 07 22 2026.]


Psssst… As you may notice by a comparison of the above date and the date at the top left of this page I too keep on learning and correcting my steps along the Way…





        1. Here is a short version of the Tree of Life Time revised chronology re the Book of Daniel updated prophecies:
          1. Babylonian and Medo-Persian king list;
            1. A diagram showing the beginning and end of the 70 years of Babylonian captivity;
            2. A diagram showing key events within one year before and after the fall of Babylon;
          2. Daniel’s “seventy weeks” prophecy literally fulfilled in terms of exact days; cf. item #6 and item #16 below.
          3. Daniel’s “seventy weeks” prophecy exactly fulfilled in terms of “year for a daywithin the Daniel 2 Stat(u)e; from Cyrus the Great to Herod the Great; salvation by means of States and Kingdoms voted into existence by and for each hue-man being.
          4. Daniel’s “seventy weeks” prophecy exactly fulfilled in terms of “year for a day” without the Daniel 2 Stat(u)e; from the original Purim event to the beginning of the reign of Yeshua, the Messiah; [Updated Nov 27, 2010]
          5. c & d above combined; [Updated Nov 27, 2010]
          6. A tabular view for the purpose of more clearly identifying, in terms of Daniel 9:25-27, the initial and final events being portrayed within the diagrams found under items ##1.b, and 1.f above.
          7. Daniel’s 2,300 evenings and mornings prophecy fulfilled in terms of “year for a day.” Cf. also this link and this one! Please notice the apparent double fulfillment of this prophecy and the 60 year separation between the two fulfillments! Cf. the similarities to the diagram under 1.e. above! [Updated Dec 7, 2013]

More recently, I found an even earlier, and a more Messiah and Salvation centered, fulfillment of Daniel’s 2,300 evenings and mornings prophecy with an emphasis upon a focused Bible study and upon the importance of the foundations of the true Advent Movement as taught by the SDA pioneers. [Updated Oct 8, 2017.]

Very interesting new discoveries!: 60 year apart double fulfillments of each of Daniel’s 2,300, 1,260, 1,290, and 1,335 year prophecies! [Added Jan 10 eve, 2023 – Updated Jan 23 eve, 2023]

          1. Some have been asking: What about 1844? Cf. #1b above! [New March 17, 2011 (if no pole shift…) Updated August 7, 2011 (incl. a likely pole shift as suggested per 2 Kings 20:8-11; Isaiah 38:7-8!)] 

The Great Disappointment of 1844”? – Or Was it Really the Culmination of the Beginning of Great Things to Come!!!  Please cf. the Jan 10, 2023 diagram under 1.g. above! [Added Jan 12, 2023 – Updated Jan 23 eve, 2023]




Here is the longer version – for those willing to learn and understand the detailed foundation of the Tree of Life Time revised chronology:

        1. A fundamental problem of conventional chronology identified and corrected: Re the abuse of Almagest and Ptolemy’s Canon of the Kings.
        2. Did Babylon fall on October 13, 539 BCE (Tishri 16) or near summer solstice day, on June 21, 534 BCE (Tammuz 16?) A firm foundation for the latter date is presented.
        3. When exactly did Cyrus’ 1st Scriptural year of reign begin and what event defines the beginning of his reign?
        4. Did you ever notice that the date for Cyrus’ decree to rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem is exactly pointed out in the book of Daniel?
        5. The “seventy weeks” of Daniel chapter 9: What are some applications in real time and according to a revised understanding of New Testament chronology? An exact literal day fulfillment of the “seventy weeks” and two exact “year for a day” prophecy fulfillments are presented.
        6. Who was Darius the Median? A careful study of Xenophon’s work in comparison with Daniel’s book and the within chronology makes it perfectly clear that Darius the Median is one and the same as Cyaxares, king of Media.
        7. A table of the Elephantine Papyri helpful towards resolving three enigmas previously mistakenly attributed to scribal errors, i.e. by prior scholars including e.g. Siegfried H. Horn, Lynn H. Wood and their references as found in their admirable work The Chronology of Ezra Seven.

- Updated and revised [October 17, 2010,] particularly by further clarifying the issue re scribal errors, and also re the papyri issued during Ahasuerus’ reign, AP 9 & 10.


        1. Defining the events of the Book of Nehemiah in terms of each of two different but closely related calendars, the Scriptural fall to fall calendar and the Babylonian spring to spring calendar.

- Updated and revised [December 7, 2012,] reversing my prior stand re the order of the calendars, while also discovering a prime example of Seventh Day Sabbath keeping in the Old Testament (which definitely does not agree with the so called Lunar Sabbath teachings!)

- Further confirmation added [May 1, 2013.]



        1. The Book of Esther and how it defines a 490 year era beginning with the decrees of Ahasuerus and ending with the year in which Yeshua was crucified and resurrected.

- Now completely revised with many new and extensive and spectacular discoveries [October 17, 2010.]


        1. Details in fine tuning our understanding of the beginnings of the reigns of Ahasuerus/Xerxes, Artaxerxes I, Darius II, and Artaxerxes II.

- Updated and revised, particularly re Ahasuerus’ and Artaxerxes I’s accessions to the throne [October 17, 2010.]


        1. An Excel spread sheet with the Scripture Chronology Study in Progress.  Touching primarily on the era beginning with Nebuchadnezzar and ending at the crucifixion and resurrection of Yeshua and the conversion of Paul. – Please Notice: This spread sheet is for reference to some details only and is not recommended for diving into all at once. If you do you are likely to feel somewhat lost since I have not sufficiently provided leads or labels for all the columns and data provided. Nevertheless, if you can get a handle of how I have attempted to label each row in terms of the years of the various calendars (the Scripture year from Tishri 22 through Tishri 21 is basic) you may find this spread sheet helpful towards a better understanding of the exact timing of various events.

- Updated and revised [October 17, 2010,] particularly re Ahasuerus’ reign and re the date for the crucifixion and resurrection.


        1. An analysis of the astronomical details found in the Babylonian clay table from Nebuchadnezzar’s 37th Babylonian year of reign: VAT 4956 - a Transcription of its Translation and of the Comments of its Transliteration plus Added Links and Footnotes - An abbreviated version is available at this link.

- Notice: My links and Comments to VAT 4956 have been extensively revised [July 6, 2010.]


        1. Do we understand, and pay attention to, the importance of God’s appointed times for communion with each among us anywhere near as well as Daniel did? Are we willing to be blessed as he was?
        2. A power point presentation of much of the above and including also a little of my own firsthand experiences along the Way towards the Kingdom of Heaven… Feel free to use, and for sharing freely with others, any of the truths and blessings belonging to God alone. I retain all the copyrights to the within, such that no one may lawfully restrain my use and my sharing of it with others. Including also all the errors that remain. Please let only me know about those! I need to know in order to correct them. Others don’t need to be focused upon the errors that belong to me alone. Please respect that, and please do not hesitate to let me know of any certain error that you find! (Nu även delvis översatt till svenska!)

- Updated and revised [October 18, 2010,] just a very few details updated, pertaining to my recent discovery re the 19 CE vs. the 18 CE crucifixion & resurrection…

- Updated and revised [Sun February 23, 2025,] just a very few details updated, pertaining to the 500 years referenced by EGW re the Zech 9:9 prophecy; new slides #29 and #32 added re my own calculations of said “500” years.


        1. Haggai vs Zechariah Reckoning Finally Resolved! There is more to the story re the difference between Haggai’s vs. Zechariah’s reckoning of years than may at first appear. The difference is not fully explained by the obvious fact that Haggai is using a Babylonian-Persian calendar. It is obvious from reading Zechariah 1:7, 16 that at that time – in the 11th month of Darius’ 2nd year - the laying of the foundation of the Temple was yet future. Yet, it is also obvious from reading Haggai 2:18 that the foundation of the Temple was laid, per Haggai’s reckoning, on the 24th day of the 9th month. The reason for this apparent discrepancy is that these two prophets are basing their respective reckoning of Darius’ reign upon two distinct and separate events, Zechariah’s reckoning beginning some 8 months prior to that of Haggai…














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The GateWays of Entry into the Tree of Life Time Chronology Touching upon the Book of Daniel©


Pearls & Mannah – “I found it!”
















Feel free to use, and for sharing freely with others, any of the truth and blessings belonging to God alone. I retain all the copyrights to the within, such that no one may lawfully restrain my use and my sharing of it with others. Including also all the errors that remain. Please let only me know about those. I need to know in order to correct them. Others don’t need to be focused upon the errors that belong to me alone. Please respect that, and please do not hesitate to let me know of any certain error that you find!


Without recourse. All Rights Reserved. Tree of Life©